понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Putin is not going to do reform ( video)

After February 4 shares opinions on which of the conflicting parties - government or opposition - has the advantage of split. Some experts believe that the participants of the march and rally on Yakimanka Swamp area and have the advantage. Others fear that the conflict could bring Russian society to the very serious consequences.

The opinion expresses opposition politician Vladimir Ryzhkov.
A feeling that Putin simply wants to block any talk of political reform, saying, ' Well, you go out and we go out, you need reforms, but more people do not want any reforms '. Therefore, in my opinion, I have quite a heavy feeling left from yesterday. I know that many of my friends from the euphoria of the organizing committee, they are very happy that so many people came out cold. And I have a heavy feeling, because I saw Putin signals: do not expect there will be no fair election, there will be no political reform. This means that both sides are escalating the conflict, and the country is closer to a major confrontation of the civil.

- Confrontation is actually growing, people added on one side and with a variety of efforts - whether administrative, publicity, ideological, what you will, - added people from the other side.

- Of course, psychologically difficult to carry out such a comparison, but it resembles the situation with Bashar al-Assad. I remember being there a month ago in Damascus, he collected millions of rallies in his support - and at that time were already fighting on the Syrian provinces between the guerrillas. Suggests that it is escalating? . In this sense, a dead-end situation: if there is no dialogue between the two sides, if there is no desire to find some sort of ' roadmap ' of reforms, this escalation goes on and on. And what is the solution? .

- Then it's time to ask you how the current policy. In your estimation, how Vladimir Putin is ready to go in this confrontation to an end? .

- Apparently, the way it is. Even the recent vote by Russia to Syria, on the resolution - it is also a signal. This is the way I see it all in context, these things are related to each other. That is, veto the resolution on the antiasadovskuyu when Assad bombed with mortars peaceful town of its own citizens - is a signal of how Russia is a properly arranged life. In this sense, Putin - a very dangerous man. Moreover, it repeatedly and explicitly said that the government does not give. I recall one of his speech in the Duma, a couple of years ago when he said: ' In Russian history, there were two leaders who voluntarily gave up power, and both times it ended with the collapse of the country '. He did not name names, but it is clear that it was about Nicholas II and Mikhail Gorbachev. Then he paused and said, ' Well, we have this tragic mistake has never repeat '.

- So, you wait for mortar?.

- I did not expect mortars, I'm a man of peace, and European- tuned. I still hope, although it is difficult to estimate the percentage of stoballnoy scale - 30 or 20 percent chance - but I still presume that the continuation of peaceful mass protests convince, will move, will make it clear to Putin that something is . Once again, run the country where the population of major cities refused to trust you, which you every day destroys the Internet - how it's going to run the country?.