суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Independent Media acquired a female site Ameno.ru

As it became known ' Vebplaneta ' publishing house Independent Media acquired female online astrology magazine Ameno. ru. Its founder and director Arkady Akulov remain in the project as curator.

We add that the shark is a part-time CEO of the provider of astrological predictions ' Astrostar '. In the spring of Akulova co-investor and his partner, Alexander Bielski was ...

project Ameno. ru was also created as an astrological portal in 2002. But about a year ago, he changed his design in shades of black magic in the pink gloss and was positioned as a ' fashion women's first online- magazine'.

In turn, Independent Media, as well as several other major publishers gloss, recently negotiated the purchase of multiple owners of an online women's projects - including the creator of the website Eva. ru Vladimir Voloshin. The latter, however, did not satisfy the conditions of Independent Media, after which he sold 50 % of the project to another publishing house - ' Dog '.

However, the purchase of Ameno. ru may indicate that the Independent Media finally take into account the sad experience of his past - and did not invest millions in creating a portal from scratch without an experienced team of Internet executives, as in the newly launched RB. ru. Or try to make a successful online project -based off-line product, as did the ID Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev with the women's portal Woman's Day.

It is also obvious that after the sale Ameno. ru such a big player to the competition of women's portals Runet worsen, and we'll see a lot of women's non- control methods. By the way, is now in search of ' Yandex ' the word 'ameno' horoscopes shows ads on the competing site Kleo. ru.

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