среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Extract emails from website.

I came across useful email extractor software. It extracts email addresses from any site on Internet. How to collect people' emails from websites ? You can search them manually by using Google, Bing or run email extractor.

Email extractor can search, extract, harvest emails on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where customers are hanging on. Nowadays almost all people have email addresses. Some of them leave contact information on websites open. Sometimes you have an awesome product and nobody knows about it. How to reach your audience/customers? You definitely need to advertise it somehow.

The best way to sell your products is to extract emails from websites and send advertisement to people. In some situations you don't know sites you need to scan for emails but you know some keywords describing your customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the in application and press start button inside email extractor. Sometimes you don't need to scan and extract emails form the whole site but only one or list of pages. Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you.

Sometimes you don't know where your leads sits but you know the keywords related to your business. Use these keywords in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google. Did you research where your customers hang on on internet ? I suppose they are sit on forums, blogs and any websites. Email extractor can also search emails in mail boxes, documents.

You may find and extract all emails from documents, text, files. Email extractor tool is useful if you must contact people and make advertisement campaigns. Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter the site name you want to extract email addresses.

пятница, 8 июня 2012 г.

Exposed a group of black transplant

Black transplant kidney transplants earned about $ 50 million.
Helped out by the organizers of the illegal transplants police officer, who very convincingly played the role of black donoraGruppa transplant, convicted Ukrainian law enforcement officers, acting for nearly 4 years. During this time, through their hands were more than 400 donors. On the illegal kidney transplant surgeons earned $ 15 million a year - so that their incomes were about 50 million. According to police, the group included surgeons from the National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named Shalimova.
' The members of the group acted for nearly four years ', - said Head of the fight against cybercrime and trafficking of MIA of Ukraine Yuriy Kucher.

' On the Internet, they placed ads on the search for wishing for a fee of 10 thousand. dollars to give his kidney. These people were not only of the poor but also among customers of different banks, which have taken loans and failed to promptly return the geography of volunteers, which, as calculated by the Interior Ministry, there were over 400 people, ' variegated ': Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Zaporizhia .

According to Kucera, helped out by the organizers of the operative, who convincingly played the role of donor. He phoned and said he needed the money, willing to donate the kidney, and began to prepare for surgery.

For each transplant, which, according to the Interior Ministry, was carried out at the clinic Shalimov, hospitals Baku capital of Ecuador, Quito, the organizers paid up to 200 thousand. USD. However, such mediation is prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine, even though going on with the consent of the donor. Can donate a kidney only relative of a relative.

Ukrainian surgeons receive from 15 to 20 thousand. dollars for the operation. According to preliminary data, net profit of the group members was $ 15 million a year. The criminal case was filed under Article 149-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ...

However, the prisoners - highly paid lawyers defending them for their fees in the tens of thousands of dollars. Now an Israeli citizen, who led a group of black transplant, and recruiters are in the Ukrainian Transcarpathian jail.

On the question of whether management knew of the Institute of Shalimov, one of the largest and most prestigious medical institutions in Europe, what happens in the clinic, the coachman answers evasively: ' Manual says that it does not know, but at least once a month, each of the four surgeons flew on missions, and . It is unlikely that this passed unnoticed. They say our doctors earn little. Searches by place of residence of only one surgeon showed that cash had been stored 200 thousand. dollars and 300 thousand. - On the cards. Here you have a miserable Medicine '.

Recall that in the National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named Shalimova denied the charges in the conduct of operations on illegal organ transplants. According to the lawyer Alexandra Institute Goose, none of its employees has been arrested, even information about what someone is suspected, they have no. The doctors of the Institute said that the police made ​​a mistake, saying the exposure of ' black transplant '. Doctors, meanwhile preparing to battle with the police for defamation.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

That such work with electronic documents in Mikkomsvyazi

The country continues to move towards the Information Society, one of the key elements is the creation of a system of public and municipal services and the performance of state and local government functions in electronic form.

Another step in this direction was taken in late December: the Ministry of Communications has approved 27. 12. Order your 2010 N 190 ... December 29 order was registered with the Ministry of Justice.

For a start it would be good to find these requirements. Already at this stage are questions about which I wrote here:. http://www. pcweek. ru/ecm/blog/andrey-kolesov/593. php.

суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Independent Media acquired a female site Ameno.ru

As it became known ' Vebplaneta ' publishing house Independent Media acquired female online astrology magazine Ameno. ru. Its founder and director Arkady Akulov remain in the project as curator.

We add that the shark is a part-time CEO of the provider of astrological predictions ' Astrostar '. In the spring of Akulova co-investor and his partner, Alexander Bielski was ...

project Ameno. ru was also created as an astrological portal in 2002. But about a year ago, he changed his design in shades of black magic in the pink gloss and was positioned as a ' fashion women's first online- magazine'.

In turn, Independent Media, as well as several other major publishers gloss, recently negotiated the purchase of multiple owners of an online women's projects - including the creator of the website Eva. ru Vladimir Voloshin. The latter, however, did not satisfy the conditions of Independent Media, after which he sold 50 % of the project to another publishing house - ' Dog '.

However, the purchase of Ameno. ru may indicate that the Independent Media finally take into account the sad experience of his past - and did not invest millions in creating a portal from scratch without an experienced team of Internet executives, as in the newly launched RB. ru. Or try to make a successful online project -based off-line product, as did the ID Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev with the women's portal Woman's Day.

It is also obvious that after the sale Ameno. ru such a big player to the competition of women's portals Runet worsen, and we'll see a lot of women's non- control methods. By the way, is now in search of ' Yandex ' the word 'ameno' horoscopes shows ads on the competing site Kleo. ru.

среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

An interesting detail

I noticed that people who earn good money - earn it, and do not speak - they refer to their country loyally and patriotically. At the very least, neutral. Acknowledge the problem, the distortions. But do not take the slide into the infinite and all the overtones of. Victories and accomplishments are sincerely glad.

Those who owned something, anyone can be attributed to the really rich people - they are usually cosmopolitans without a homeland. They can easily zalazhat and their country, and any other. Perhaps it is permissible - can afford to live anywhere in a world. And if they say that somewhere good - it means that at any given time they do it well, but not the fact that it will be tomorrow. Of course, there are crazy patriots among them, but it is rather the exception that proves the general rule.

If a person is constantly hayot something, then, as a rule, it is a poor loser. It is difficult to understand what's the reason: or life in a constant negative repels him good luck. Or unwillingness to admit their mistakes and problems provokes a search for the sublimation of negative outside. Fuck knows, but the fact remains - a loser, always blame someone else, ideally - the whole country.

By the way, here's another clue. If a single tone ( positive or negative - does not matter) fed a large amount of statistics, but the quantitative part of the information, and part is expressed as a percentage ( or number of a thousand, for example) - a custom fit. Correct statistics always contains the data or in a single expression, or in both cases (for example,. 16mln. (which is 58 %). ). You can easily read, as you 'truth' is poured into blogs, news sites and media. Sometimes I think that wikipedia does not lie only, perhaps because she does not need to pursue any purposes other than preservation of the collective conscious of the world.

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понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Putin is not going to do reform ( video)

After February 4 shares opinions on which of the conflicting parties - government or opposition - has the advantage of split. Some experts believe that the participants of the march and rally on Yakimanka Swamp area and have the advantage. Others fear that the conflict could bring Russian society to the very serious consequences.

The opinion expresses opposition politician Vladimir Ryzhkov.
A feeling that Putin simply wants to block any talk of political reform, saying, ' Well, you go out and we go out, you need reforms, but more people do not want any reforms '. Therefore, in my opinion, I have quite a heavy feeling left from yesterday. I know that many of my friends from the euphoria of the organizing committee, they are very happy that so many people came out cold. And I have a heavy feeling, because I saw Putin signals: do not expect there will be no fair election, there will be no political reform. This means that both sides are escalating the conflict, and the country is closer to a major confrontation of the civil.

- Confrontation is actually growing, people added on one side and with a variety of efforts - whether administrative, publicity, ideological, what you will, - added people from the other side.

- Of course, psychologically difficult to carry out such a comparison, but it resembles the situation with Bashar al-Assad. I remember being there a month ago in Damascus, he collected millions of rallies in his support - and at that time were already fighting on the Syrian provinces between the guerrillas. Suggests that it is escalating? . In this sense, a dead-end situation: if there is no dialogue between the two sides, if there is no desire to find some sort of ' roadmap ' of reforms, this escalation goes on and on. And what is the solution? .

- Then it's time to ask you how the current policy. In your estimation, how Vladimir Putin is ready to go in this confrontation to an end? .

- Apparently, the way it is. Even the recent vote by Russia to Syria, on the resolution - it is also a signal. This is the way I see it all in context, these things are related to each other. That is, veto the resolution on the antiasadovskuyu when Assad bombed with mortars peaceful town of its own citizens - is a signal of how Russia is a properly arranged life. In this sense, Putin - a very dangerous man. Moreover, it repeatedly and explicitly said that the government does not give. I recall one of his speech in the Duma, a couple of years ago when he said: ' In Russian history, there were two leaders who voluntarily gave up power, and both times it ended with the collapse of the country '. He did not name names, but it is clear that it was about Nicholas II and Mikhail Gorbachev. Then he paused and said, ' Well, we have this tragic mistake has never repeat '.

- So, you wait for mortar?.

- I did not expect mortars, I'm a man of peace, and European- tuned. I still hope, although it is difficult to estimate the percentage of stoballnoy scale - 30 or 20 percent chance - but I still presume that the continuation of peaceful mass protests convince, will move, will make it clear to Putin that something is . Once again, run the country where the population of major cities refused to trust you, which you every day destroys the Internet - how it's going to run the country?.